Here I am, writing again. Honestly, I never know I would be writing so much. You can say I'm always bored, because that's the fact. And when I'm bored, I spend time typing.
So... let's see what I have done for the day:
I had an one hour lecture this morning at 8.30 am. The lecture was not dull this morning, maybe it was because of the lecturer or something... I don't know. Then I had a practical almost right after the lecture. Unsurprisingly (as have been told), we were required to do some exercises during the practical (all of them are related to cardiovascular system). That was the interesting part of the day, I mean, at least something out of ordinary. I got to do the beep test (I was actually forced to do it because I was the only guy in the group, and the beep test was the most laborious) and push up. Thanks to Wei Han and Youmi, I felt like amputating my legs after the beep test.
For sure I was not the fittest human being for the beep test, I was not very bad. The test basically involves people (me included) running from one checkpoint to the other after and before preceding beeps. The first girl to give up was Brittany, as I recalled. She made it to the fourth beep. I made it to the level eight of sixth beep. Not bad it sounded though, one of the guys actually made it to twelfth beep. If you can see, I had my jaw sticked to the ground at that time. The push up was pretty simple. Well... I didn't follow the rule: 'push up until exhaustion', but I did thirty in one go... which I consider was acceptable.
After that, the tutor did say something about ATP being broken down to ADP and follow a cascade of transformation that results in adenosine, and that could relax the smooth muscle of blood vessels. Apart from that, all I heard was uh... hmm... oh... Our physiology lecturer did show up eventually. His name is Paul White. I heard something about him from the senior... something that he did with... Duh! I don't really know the whole story actually. A close look at him showed all the brown spots on his skin and his actual age. Well, he is a professor, of course he can't be young anymore.
So the drama goes on to Dan Malone and Youmi Han. Youmi came to me and Wei Han saying that she would like to consult Dan Malone, our physiology lecturer for the topic Nervous System about our previous assessed group exercise. She thought our answer was correct and deserved the two points. Well, I couldn't agree more that the answer was suppose to be right, but two points... Anyway, I agreed to consult Dan during the break. To be frank, I don't have the fancies of meeting lecturer in their office. But I was not upset by this visit. We met Dan somewhere next to the lab with Aleisha and Emily. His room is really small! However small it is, there sat a Dell screen at least 22 inches big. After a while of negotiation, he agreed that we were too hard on. However, he appeared unwilling to change the mark for us. According to him, that 2 points will account for only 0.2 percent to our final score (he calculated this on the spot). Honestly, I didn't expect this to work out anyway. Dan can't really be blamed you know... 0.2? Really? Oh well, it didn't work out even though the three girls pleaded and mentioned the 'possibility of it making us fail'.
The tutorial after that was a indeed very interesting (if you don't get it, I'm trying to be SARCASTIC). The gypsy man wore a beanie today. Like usual, his taste of fashion sucks. He overthrew us with his knowledge of deriving the unknown graph and eventually came to a graph that we have actually seen. I wonder if everyone was able to understand what was he trying to teach in front there, or perhaps nobody did. Well, I really don't know what to say about that hour, but that sure seemed eternity.
Going through everything did not feel like too long, but by reviewing it, I felt like I had done pretty much things!
Maybe I'm addicted to typing. I have been typing longer and longer post. Oh ya, the conclusion. The conclusion is, I still hate Tuesday.