Please forgive me for being philosophical in this post. I had been doing some thinking on how is a person considered responsible. To start such philosophical thought, I started to compare two people: One I admire very much and the other I scorn.
The person I admire is in every aspect, a role model for all. He accomplishes his commitments to anyone he promises with all his mights and wills. No matter is the commitment a great deal or a small fry, it never comes across his mind to disappoint people around him. At least this is what I perceive of him. For this reason, I thought of him as a responsible human being.
On the other hand, the person I hate is just the precise opposite. He, in my memory, failed his commitments to other people who he convinced of his role. When people have paid their faiths in him, he would give up at the eleventh hour. This is what I called irresponsible. And the noun designated would be creature instead of human being.
Now that I have my conclusion, being responsible is not to let people down when they are in faith with you, or in other words, do what you are suppose to do, I began to do what the teaching of Confucius had taught me: mirror myself. Am I being responsible to others who deposited their hope on me (it's not like people would do this... duh...)? Having said that (Simon Cowell's favorite phrase), I started to see mmy own role as a sponsored student. Perhaps the throne has been inherited with ease, the King does not understand how heavy his role is being a ruler. As for me, I am the medium who is responsible to conduct the transfer the best among the best of knowledge, culture and tradition between two populations divided by the ocean. I have been mapping my future too briefly. Now that I have that load on my shoulder, what will my future be? The politicians are very smart you know... They usually have much broader view to see into the future, what is to be and what is not to be. Sometimes when they tell the people to do certain things, it might seem pretty simple and rewarding in short period, there is actually something more up their sleeves! And if you see the way you see, one tiny person bears more than you could ever imagine.
We are always taught to be responsible to others and ourselves, but it ain't simple as it seems. Sometimes, the person telling does not even understand the responsibility others bear! So do not judge a person, a thing, or an incident by merely naked eye observation. Far beyond the visible surface, there is always something we never bother to know.
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